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Medical Transcription - Online anytime!
with Academy of Medical Professions Instructor

Academy of Medical Professions (AMP) is in partnership with Houlton/Hodgdon Adult Ed, Houlton Regional Hospital, and Katahdin Valley Health Center.
See Attached Flyer for More Information on 5 Healthcare Programs offered through AMP.
- FREE if eligible for sponsorship, scholarship, agency assistance, or workforce training funds.
- And if you don't qualify, payment plans are available.
This class is an online - anytime class and it runs once a week for 16 wks.
For More Information and to Apply:
Call Adult Ed at 538-3191 ext. 0362 or email or visit
As a Medical Transcriptionist, you are responsible for receiving verbal information and typing that information into a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. This information must be transcribed accurately, using the format specified by the provider (SOAP notes, discharge summaries, and other report forms).
Basic computer knowledge is a must, as are basic typing skills and knowledge of commonly used word processing programs. Most doctors or transcription companies ask for a minimum of 60 WPM. Also, many companies now use the Internet, which gives you the opportunity to work out of your home without having to drop off and pick up tapes.